

You will never be as young and healthy as you are today.  The legacy you choose to leave behind is in your hands. Live free and without worry.

Set the Intention … to live worry-free for the rest of your life!

The misconception that insurance is expensive often deters people – until it’s too late. The irony is that we view ourselves as too young for insurance, until we suddenly become older – and then it becomes too costly.

This makes insurance is one of the most misunderstood products in the market. This is because people do not realize that insurance actually provides them with a guarantee. Think about how we insure our valuables like cars and homes, without hesitation. So why not insure the most valuable asset in our life – ourselves (and our ability to protect our family)!

Insurance should be viewed as another asset class or tax shelter. This means it actually helps us build wealth, not incur costs. Business owners should think about succession and continuation planning to ensure ‘business as usual’ no matter what changes. Parents should think about protection for their families if their income is suddenly reduced.

Learn more about the different uses and needs of: Life insurance, Critical illness, Long-term disability, Health & Dental insurance, Travel insurance, or Group Insurance - that will help you sleep easier at night.

Learn more about the different uses and needs of: Life insurance, Critical illness, Long-term disability, Health & Dental insurance, Travel insurance, or Group Insurance - that will help you sleep easier at night.

Insurance Options

Life Insurance

Life insurance is an asset that you invest in to mitigate hardships for your loved ones when you pass. The insurance company will pay a lump sum known as a death benefit to your beneficiaries after your death. 

This is a tax-free, lump-sum amount for your beneficiaries that can be used to finance a number of things. This includes paying off debts, including a mortgage, so your family can remain in the same home and community. It can also be used to replace income, enabling your family to maintain their standard of living even without you.

When do most people get life insurance? 

People generally begin thinking about life insurance when major life events happen. Common ones include: marriage, children, purchasing a home, property, or when a loved one is faced with illness.

I am healthy, so why should I think about insurance now? 

The rule of thumb with life insurance is this: it will always be cheaper to get insured when you are younger. Remember, you will never be as young and healthy as you are today!

Disability Insurance

Disability insurance is a monthly payment that replaces a portion of your income if you can’t work because of an injury, illness or mental health issue. The duration of a disability can be either short- or long-term and usually provides 60% to 70% of your income so  you can maintain as much of your standard of living as possible until you can return to work.  

I already have disability insurance through my employer. Why do I need my own?  

Most disability insurance drops off after 1 or 2 years and is usually based on any occupation; called ‘occupation disability’. This means that you could be a surgeon and yet be ‘eligible’ to accept working an entry-level job because you still have certain physical capacities. 

Critical Illness Insurance

Critical illness insurance provides a one-time, lump-sum payment that you can use any way you want if you encounter life-threatening illnesses such as heart attacks, strokes, or cancer.  Not everyone’s recovery costs are the same. Because these illnesses often incur greater-than-average medical costs, these policies pay out cash to help cover those overruns when traditional health insurance may fall short. Considering this is coupled with a typical leave of absence from your job, it could mean a rapid influx of expenses when income is at its lowest.

What else critical illness insurance help me buy? 

It can assist with purchases such as costly assistive devices, or even travel expenses—things disability insurance may not cover.        


Because of medical advancements, people today are surviving critical illnesses rather than dying. To answer this new dilemma, doctors created critical illness insurance to help patients survive financially – long after surviving their illness.    

Health & Dental Insurance

Health and dental insurance covers a variety of expenses that can be incurred from health care, dental care, illness and accidents that are not covered by a provincial or territorial health insurance. The type and amount of coverage that's right for you is always evaluated on a case-by-case basis, depending on your particular needs, circumstances, and budget.

Health and dental insurance is tailored to what matters most to you. If you are self-employed or if you do not have adequate coverage through an employer or no access to a group insurance plan, there are options available within a wide budget range. Select the amount of coverage you need for prescription drugs, dental care, or vision care. Extended healthcare benefits and emergency medical travel coverage is also available.

Can I get additional coverage if I’m over 65? 

Yes, you can. Find out if you qualify. 

Do rates change for couples or families?  

Yes, they do, depending on the size of family. We offer customized plans for families and individuals alike.  Contact us for custom rates.       

Travel Insurance

Travel insurance provides financial protection if you face specific problems when you're travelling or on holidays. Most common coverage includes lost luggage and medical care if you become ill or have an accident. The three standard types of travel insurance coverage exist: medical insurance, cancellation/interruption insurance, and luggage insurance.

Do I need travel insurance of I travel to another province within Canada?   

Yes, you do. This is because each province has their own medical system and jurisdictions.

What isn’t covered?  

High-risk activities may not be covered, such as scuba diving. Extreme sports such as freestyle skiing, motocross, mountain biking or bungee jumping are not included, either. 

Group Insurance Plan

Group health insurance, also known as employer-based coverage, is a type of health insurance plan offered by an employer of a member organization. Members of a group health insurance plan usually receive coverage at a lower cost because the risk to the insurer is distributed across multiple members.

Group insurance provides supplemental coverage to better ensure the physical, mental and financial health of insured members and their families. 

What are the 6 types of group insurance?  

Group Health Insurance, Group Term Life Insurance, Group personal accident insurance, Worker compensation insurance, Public liability insurance, Group travel insurance.

How many employees do I need to have to offer group insurance? 

To be eligible for small business health insurance, a company must have between 1 and 50 employees. If you have more than 50 employees, you'll need to apply for large group coverage.

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